Subway Hero

Dennis becomes a New York City celebrity after jumping in front of a train and saving someone who fell on the tracks. Meanwhile, Jack desperately tries to persuade Tracy to become the celebrity face of the Republican Party.

Black Tie

Liz wonders if she's actually on a date with Jack as she accompanies him to a birthday celebration for a foreign prince. While at the ball, Liz sees a different side to Jack as he unexpectedly runs in to his ex-wife. Back at 30 Rock, Tracy tempts Pete with a booze- and babe-filled party in the office, while Kenneth tries to keep Pete on the straight and narrow.

The Airport

On a flight to NYC, Jerry has a first-class time, but Elaine suffers in coach. Meanwhile, Kramer and George try to hit the right airport.

Last Night on Earth

The royals celebrate their last day of school — and on Earth — with friends, but Zadra's arrival with revelations of betrayal shakes them to the core.

The Eternal Knight Pt. 1

The Eternal Night covers Arcadia in shadow, leading to a long-awaited showdown between Gunmar and the newly transformed Trollhunter.

The Red Dot

An imperfection mars George's gift to Elaine; Jerry inadvertently helps an alcoholic go off the wagon.

Mistrial and Error

Jim stands trial for unleashing Gunmar while his friends race to clear his name. If convicted, he'll be sent to "The Deep", a dark realm of no return.

Safe House

After a threat from Murphy, Holt stashes husband Kevin in a safe house with Jake. Rosa goes undercover at a salon. Scully reveals an actual skill.

The Fugitive (2)

The effort to capture prison escapees continues. Jake teams up with an unlikely ally who's related to one of the convicts.

The Injury

When Michael burns his foot with his George Foreman mini-grill, he requires the entire office staff to work around his new injury. When the workers aren't so keen on obliging, Michael gets angry and calls in a man in a wheelchair to put out the message that disabled people are people too. Meanwhile, Dwight acts stranger than usual, acting really nice and helpful towards Pam. It isn't until the end of the day when everyone realizes that the car accident Dwight was in earlier that day gave him a concussion (but was overshadowed by Michael's dramatization of his own burn), and Jim and Michael immediately take him to the hospital. Needless to say, Michael doesn't appreciate the extra attention that the doctors and nurses pay Dwight.