Operation Ann

Leslie works to find Ann a Valentine's date. Ron helps Ben with a scavenger hunt, and Chris becomes depressed over his love life.

Road Trip

When Chris sends Leslie and Ben on a trip to Indianapolis, Leslie is afraid she won't be able to deny her feelings for him. Ron teaches a young student about his views on government. Meanwhile, Andy gets his feelings hurt by April after playing Tom's new game.

Leslie's House

After an amazing date with Justin in Indianapolis, Leslie tries to impress him with a dinner party at her house.

Ticking Clocks

As Hitchcock and Scully microwave a lasagna for exactly 21 minutes and 30 seconds, the squad races against the clock to catch a hacker.


Pam’s warehouse mural is defaced. Darryl has difficulty dealing with the Jim's cleanliness habits in their apartment. Angela grudgingly allows Oscar and Kevin to attend her son’s first birthday party.

Special Project

Dwight scores a special assignment at Sabre's Florida headquarters. As a result, he and Andy must decide which Scranton staffers will join him. Elsewhere, Pam returns from maternity leave.

The Search

An emergency call from Helene forces Jim to abandon Michael at a gas station restroom, and Holly, Erin, and Dwight set out to rescue him. Gabe becomes offended at submissions to caption Pam's latest work of art.


Michael hates the changes that Dunder Mifflin's new owner is implementing, so he turns to David Wallace for advice. Jim and Pam find the perfect day care center, but Jim's mistake threatens to ruin the interview.

Lecture Circuit (1)

Michael goes on a speaking tour of the other branches to explain Scranton's relative success, accompanied by his driver, Pam. Back at the office, Dwight and Jim – now heads of the party planning committee – forget a birthday, with severe consequences. Meanwhile, Andy falls for someone he should not.

Goodbye Toby

Toby leaves Dunder Mifflin, and Michael plans a huge goodbye party… out of joy. Angela refuses to help with it, so Michael turns to Phyllis. Dwight and Meredith harass Holly, their new HR representative.