The Bubble

Everyone in the office is unhappy when Chris decides to make some big changes in the parks department — especially Tom who starts to question his career choices. Leslie is caught off guard when Ben has a meeting with her mom.


The Parks Department forms a partnership with a local company to sell energy bars at the parks in Pawnee, but Leslie tries to stop the deal when she discovers how unhealthy the snacks are. Mark reluctantly agrees to help Tom move out of his house.

Return of the King

Gina invites Jake and Terry over to her new place. Holt takes an interest in Nikolaj's education. Rosa rejects Amy's offer of a helping hand.

Couples Discount

The staffers pair up as faux couples to score a Valentine's Day discount at a mall. Erin tells Pete that she'll break up with Andy when he returns, but Pete has his doubts. Jim and Pam socialize with the documentary's soundman.


Dwight arrives in Tallahassee with his team and sets out to win over the president of Sabre's special projects. Back in Scranton, Andy fills in for reception and enjoys himself.


The staff grows increasingly uncomfortable with Michael and Holly's PDAs. Jim and Pam regret a champagne luncheon. Andy horns in on a romantic treasure hunt Gabe arranged for Erin.

The Manager and the Salesman

Sabre's CEO wants the Scranton branch to have one manager, and Michael voluntarily steps down and lets Jim become the boss when he finds out that salespeople make more money. However, he soon comes to regret the decision.

Lecture Circuit (2)

Michael and Pam continue their tour of the branches with Michael taking a lesson from their visit to Utica. Dwight and Jim struggle to fulfill their new party planning duties with a grumpy staff. Angela's new cat causes a stir.


Justin Hartley comes by to drop some knowledge, Joel introduces a new DNA testing service, and the International Corner makes a stop in Uganda.


Justin Hartley comes by to drop some knowledge, Joel introduces a new DNA testing service, and the International Corner makes a stop in Uganda.