Blood Drive

A mystery woman at the office blood drive catches Michael's eye. Dwight and Kevin both find women at the "Lonely Hearts Party," while Jim and Pam are forced to leave because of PDAs—so they have lunch with Phyllis and Bob.


Joe Manganiello returns with a mystery to solve. Joel shares a fun new tourism video, a celebrity-inspired phrase generator and home shopping gems.

Business School

Roy stopped by Pam's desk to let her know how excited he was to see her art show. She reminded him that it was just a small show being put on by her art class. Pam later admitted she was very happy she was back together with Roy because it showed maturity. Jim feigns indifference to the reconciliation.

Nothing Left to Lose

Tracy regains his sense of smell and finds an unusual father figure in Liz, while the writers spark a prank war with Jenna.

TGS Hates Women

Liz hires a new female writer after a blog declares "TGS" misogynistic. Meanwhile, Jack plots his takeover of Kabletown by zeroing in on his main competition–the CEO's granddaughter.


Liz reevaluates her feelings for an old flame, Floyd, when he returns with big news, and Jack Donaghy teaches Danny Baker the finer points of pranks after the TGS writers play a trick on him. Jenna Maroney and Tracy Jordan see Kenneth Parcell in a disturbing new light after they spend a very long day listening to him tell stories about his childhood.

Apollo, Apollo

While Jack puts together the perfect 50th birthday party for himself, home videos inspire him to try to recreate his happiest moment. Dennis decides to tell Liz about his addiction. Meanwhile, Kenneth and Pete work to make Tracy's childhood dream come true.

The Source Awards

Jack forces Tracy to attend the Source Awards and Kenneth has words with a rap artist. Meanwhile, Liz goes to great lengths to prove to her African-American date that she's not racist.

The Shoes

There's something about Elaine's shoes that leads to the stalling of George and Jerry's TV pilot, until Elaine gives it a kick.

The Fix-Up

Jerry and Elaine fix up George with Elaine's friend–then wait nervously.