
Robin and Ted reminisce about past relationships as they search for a drunken Barney on the day of the wedding; Lily and Marshall come to a resolution; Barney befriends two men who are eager to meet women.

Sister II

Jess panics when her sister, Abby decides to stay in Los Angeles and sets her eyes on one of the loftmates. Meanwhile, Winston procrastinates about checking his test results for the LAPD entrance exam

Parking Spot

When Schmidt discovers a previously unknown, yet highly-coveted parking spot, Jess and the roommates battle it out to see who will get to use it. Meanwhile, Winston has a hard time finding a condom when he gets an impromptu invitation from Daisy.

Fancyman (1)

Jess reluctantly dates the wealthy father of one of her students. Meanwhile, Nick attempts to buy a new cell phone and Schmidt and Winston get ultra-competitive playing bar trivia.

The Front Porch

Ted learns that not only did Lily plant another woman's earring in his bed for Karen to find, she has meddled in some of his other relationships as well.

The Goat

Barney and Marshall have a discussion about "The Bro Code" because Barney has broken it and wants advice.

Arrivederci, Fiero

Marshall is all set to celebrate his beloved Fiero hitting the 200,000 mile mark but it stops. While the gang sits in the mechanic's garage and waits to hear what will happen to the vehicle they think about times gone by that they have spent together in the car. We also get the story of how Ted met Marshall.

Life Among the Gorillas

Marshall interns at the corporation where Barney works and Lily finds that he is becoming a shallow jerk as he tries to fit in with his crude fratty coworkers. Meanwhile, Ted feels guilty when he receives several gifts from Victoria (Erika Singh) while he hasn't sent her anything.

Of Course

When Robin confesses that she is still angry with Barney for the way he handled their break-up, she enlists the help of Anita, a self-help author who plans to beat Barney at his own game.