CHiPs and Salsa

When Haley hears that her loopy boss is looking for a product with the magical properties of peppers, she tries to gain favor by convincing Gloria to sell her salsa to NERP; Mitchell gets Cam the police ride-along he’s always dreamed of.

Frank's Wedding

Frank Dunphy’s Roaring 20s-themed wedding day is finally here, and to get into the spirit, Phil gets the Dunphy clan to show up in costume. Once Claire and the kids realize they are the only ones dressed-up, they feel it’s time for a “funny” intervention with Phil. Meanwhile, Jay has mastered the art of saying no, but soon realizes that if you say no too many times, people stop asking; and Cam is in for a big surprise when he finally stops hiding behind Mitchell and stands up to his sister Pam.

Man Shouldn't Lie

Claire brings home a stray dog and gets the kids to help her hide it from Phil while she tries to find its owner. Unfortunately, her evasive behavior only makes Phil try even harder to shower her with more attention. Elsewhere, Gloria invites a new couple over even after Jay has made it clear he doesn’t want to make any new friends, but when the husband turns out to be a real guy’s guy, Jay might be eating crow. And Cameron rents out their upstairs apartment to a Christian rock band.

Grill, Interrupted

Jay's birthday comes with a number of interesting gifts, including Phil's high-tech outdoor grill, and Claire and Mitchell's offer to pay back some ancient loans—though they don't think he'll actually accept it. Meanwhile, Gloria teaches Manny and Luke a lesson about drinking; and Andy finds himself in an awkward situation when Haley brings her new doctor boyfriend.

A Hard Jay's Night

Mitch struggles to hide his true feelings about the unflattering wedding topper Cam's father whittled out of soap for them, Phil tries to help Gloria sell her pre-Jay apartment but they get sidetracked at the neighborhood salon, and Claire and the kids head over to Jay's early to help him prep for the special night with the family he's hosting but they end up just butting heads.

The Future Dunphys

At the hospital Claire and Phil see the older version of their family; Mitchell and Cameron plan a day for Lily and Gloria; Manny and Jay go to a private school to look around.

The Future Dunphys

At the hospital Claire and Phil see the older version of their family; Mitchell and Cameron plan a day for Lily and Gloria; Manny and Jay go to a private school to look around.

Election Day

Claire's race for town council comes to a head on Election Day as the Dunphys make phone calls for votes and Mitchell and Cameron take to the streets to campaign, while the candidate endures technical problems during some last-minute interviews.

The Musical Man

Cameron is overzealous in his planning of the spring musical performance at Luke and Manny's school. Jay's brother visits while Phil convinces the family to be in his new TV ad.

Game Changer

It could not be more perfect that Phil's birthday and the release date of a hot new product coincide, and he wants nothing so much as to be one of the first people to get one; this is Claire's mission. Meanwhile, before coming to Phil's party, Mitchell is preoccupied with a new found desire to toughen up, Cameron gets himself involved in a neighbor's marital problems, and it's Jay against Gloria and Manny in chess.