
Jess gets a quartet of very young new neighbors — and she's determined to win them over, in spite of the fact that to them, she's not a New Girl — she's an Old Girl

Gloves Off

Jimmy's actions unexpectedly create waves for Kim. Mike cautiously weighs a lucrative proposal that might bring about dire consequences.


Jimmy devises a bold plan to obtain new clients, but must face consequences when his relationships become strained.


Jess accidentally walks in on Nick naked, sending his self-confidence to an all-time low – just after an attractive co-worker agrees to go out on a date with him. Meanwhile, Winston becomes obsessed with learning pop-culture references online.


Walt celebrates another birthday. Skyler contemplates her options, and an associate puts a crimp in Walt and Jesse's business strategy.


Barry's patience is put to the test when a figure from Sally's past arrives in LA. Gene gets a pleasant surprise and encourages Barry to believe that change is possible.

Bullet Points

The Cartel takes steps to gain the upper hand. Walt and Skyler share an embarrassing secret with the rest of the family. Jesse’s activities draw unwanted attention.

Green Light

Walt loses control as he reacts to Skyler's news, endangering his job and relationships with Saul and Jesse. Hank throws himself into his blue meth investigation. Jesse enacts a new plan.