
Walt's secret is in jeopardy when Skyler thanks Gretchen for paying for his treatment.


Hank suffers from the aftermath of his encounter with Tuco. Meanwhile, Jesse hires a crew to get their product out on the streets.


Walt attempts to reconnect with his family, while Jesse struggles to rebuild his life.

Bit by a Dead Bee

Walt and Jesse become short on cash when they try to cover their tracks. Meanwhile, the DEA has a lead that could them straight to Walt and Jesse.


Walt and Jesse find themselves in close quarters with an unhinged Tuco. Marie and Hank comfort Skyler, who is distraught over Walt’s disappearance. Hank pays a visit to Mrs. Pinkman on some not-so-official business.

Seven Thirty-Seven

Walt and Jesse are vividly reminded of Tuco’s volatile nature, and try to figure a way out of their business partnership. Hank attempts to mend fences between the estranged Marie and Skyler.

A No Rough Stuff Type Deal

Walter accepts his new identity as a drug dealer after a PTA meeting. Elsewhere, Jesse decides to put his aunt's house on the market and Skyler is the recipient of a baby shower.

Crazy Handful of Nothin'

The side effects of chemo begin to plague Walt. Meanwhile, the DEA rounds up suspected dealers.

Gray Matter

Walter and Skyler attend a former colleague's party. Jesse tries to free himself from the drugs, while Skyler organizes an intervention.

Cancer Man

Walter finally tells his family that he has been stricken with cancer. Meanwhile, the DEA believes Albuquerque has a new, big time player to worry about. Meanwhile, a worthy recipient is the target of a depressed Walter's anger, and Jesse makes a surprise visit to his parents home.