An Endless Cycle

Armed with a plan to prevent the apocalypse, Jonas travels to 2019. During the Nielsens' anniversary party, Ulrich sneaks off with Hannah.

Lost and Found

In 1987, Ulrich seizes an opportunity. The kids return to the cave with the time machine, and Jonas learns of a loophole that could change the future.

The Travelers

Jonas meets an ominous figure. While the kids comb the cave for answers, the adults gather in the bunker to share what they know about the travelers.

Bad Omen

Alpha unleashes a barrage of attacks on the siblings, enabling Omen to hijack the ship and take the royal cores. Will this be the end of House Tarron?

Last Night on Earth

The royals celebrate their last day of school — and on Earth — with friends, but Zadra's arrival with revelations of betrayal shakes them to the core.

Truth Be Told

Aja decides to tell Steve she’s actually an alien, but her confession is cut short by a visit from the Zeron Brotherhood.

The Arcadian Job

In a daring heist, the royals and Stuart infiltrate a high-security military base in hopes of stealing the final part to power the mothership.

Lightning in a Bottle

The royal heirs look for Aja's missing serrator in the forest, where they mistake Trollhunter Jim Lake's Amulet of Daylight for her lost weapon.

Party Crashers

An incoming message from Akiridion-5 alarms Vex. Meanwhile, the arrival of bounty hunters ruins the royals' outing in the woods with friends.

Flying the Coop

Aja and Krel are summoned by the school board to produce proper identification. Zadra discovers the identity of the traitor who aided the coup.