The Politics of Human Sexuality

With his high-price "escort" girlfriend on his arm, Pierce pressures Jeff into asking Dean Pelton's airhead secretary to double date at the STD Fair.

Environmental Science

Faced with an unreasonable amount of Spanish homework, Jeff's efforts to handle Señor Chang manage to help him, but not the rest of the class.

Debate 109

As Jeff is drafted to help lead Greendale's debate team against the formidable City College, Abed's film-class projects appear to predict the future.

Home Economics

Jeff is forced out of his condo and into Abed's dorm room, and Annie looks to get Troy's attention by helping him plan a romantic picnic.

Introduction to Statistics

Jeff sets his sights on an attractive professor, and Annie looks to boost her social standing by hosting a Day of the Dead party.

Football, Feminism and You

Annie's dream of being the ex-football star's girlfriend is in jeopardy when Jeff is blackmailed into getting Troy to join Greendale's football team.

Advanced Criminal Law

As Pierce volunteers to compose a new school song, a cheating episode in Spanish class leaves Jeff defending Britta before a disciplinary tribunal.

Social Psychology

As Annie recruits Abed and Troy for a psychology class experiment, Jeff and Shirley bond over their mutual fondness for gossip.

Introduction to Film

Jeff struggles to get a good grade, and Britta's offer to bankroll his film class exposes a rift between Abed and his angry father.

Spanish 101

While Jeff looks to use a Spanish class assignment to get close to Britta, Pierce has something altogether different in mind.