Geothermal Escapism

For Troy's last day at Greendale, Abed holds a campus-wide "hot lava" fantasy game. With a comic book worth $50,000 as the prize, it's an all-out war.

Cooperative Polygraphy

Pierce's funeral leaves the study group with mixed feelings, especially after their late tormentor leaves one last test to reveal everyone's secrets.

Basic Intergluteal Numismatics

With the mysterious Ass Crack Bandit back at Greendale, Annie and Jeff are on the case. As clues and suspicions mount, Shirley delivers shocking news.

Introduction to Teaching

Abed tackles a two-day crash course on Nicolas Cage, while a clueless Jeff begins his teaching career with Annie as his most demanding student.

Advanced Introduction to Finality

A plan to celebrate Jeff's early graduation is unexpectedly disrupted by the study group's evil doppelgangers from the Darkest Timeline.

Heroic Origins

Abed's research into the study group's history uncovers an overlooked series of chance encounters that led each of them to Greendale.

Basic Human Anatomy

When Annie and Shirley learn that Leonard is actually holding the spot as the class valedictorian, they join forces to bring him down.

Intro to Knots

Jeff organizes a lovely holiday gathering at his apartment, but Annie secretly invites Professor Cornwallis to get in his good graces.


With his law practice doomed, Jeff returns to Greendale to start a class action suit against the school, but a hologram of Pierce has him reconsider.


With his law practice doomed, Jeff returns to Greendale to start a class action suit against the school, but a hologram of Pierce has him reconsider.