Regional Holiday Music

The study group is slowly convinced to fill in for the Glee Club at Greendale's Christmas pageant.

Documentary Filmmaking: Redux

As Dean Pelton films a new commercial for Greendale, the production takes a wild turn once he discovers that a famous alum has agreed to appear in it.

Studies in Modern Movement

Annie has second thoughts about moving in with Troy and Abed once she realizes that they expect her to live in a blanket fort.

Advanced Gay

When a drag queen's song makes Hawthorne Wipes an iconic gay product, Pierce embraces it, until his homophobic dad shows up to squelch the idea.

Remedial Chaos Theory

When Jeff introduces an element of randomness into Troy and Abed's housewarming party, reality splits into six timelines.

Competitive Ecology

The study group struggles to incorporate a fellow classmate while working on a project for Professor Kane's class.

Geography of Global Conflict

As Annie competes with an overachieving rival in a Model United Nations competition, Jeff wrestles with his feelings for his ambitious friend.

Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps

When a personality test suggests that one group member is a homicidal maniac, they use a series of scary Halloween stories to expose the killer.