Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi?

Feeling très guilty over her encounter with Gabriel, Emily decides to move on with a romantic weekend away. Mindy's new job turns out to be a total drag.

Cancel Couture

With her job on the line over a Fashion Week debacle, Emily scrambles to devise a new plan while preparing to say adieu to a good friend.

An American Auction in Paris

A charity auction, a donated gown and an avant-garde design duo add up to trouble for Emily as she catches the eye of Pierre Cadault's heir apparent.

Family Affair

Emily's weekend trip to a friend's château fizzles like day-old champagne. Back in Paris, Mindy's reluctant meet-up with old friends ends on a high note.

French Ending

After agreeing to watch over an American actress at a chic red-carpet event, Emily finds her night — and her famous charge — spinning out of control.


When a meeting with an iconic couture house unravels over a basic mistake, Emily finds comfort in the company of a seemingly charming professor.

Faux Amis

Emily discovers that her growing social media following opens doors in Paris, and a friendly night out on the town leads to a tête-à-tête with Gabriel.

A Kiss Is Just A Kiss

A sweet new acquaintance helps Emily sniff out a potentially huge new client, but a messy workplace liaison endangers the deal.

Sexy or Sexist

Emily voices her concerns over a risqué new ad campaign while juggling plumbing problems, language lessons and disagreeable co-workers.

Masculin Féminin

Emily navigates the intricacies of French amour when her enthusiasm at a work soirée impresses a flirtatious — and married — client.