
The Parks Department forms a partnership with a local company to sell energy bars at the parks in Pawnee, but Leslie tries to stop the deal when she discovers how unhealthy the snacks are. Mark reluctantly agrees to help Tom move out of his house.

Leslie's House

After an amazing date with Justin in Indianapolis, Leslie tries to impress him with a dinner party at her house.

The Set Up

Ann sets Leslie up on a blind date with a co-worker, which does not go as well as Leslie hoped. An old friend of Ann's makes Mark feel insecure.

Christmas Scandal

Leslie designs the Pawnee Winter Wonderland Festival, but has to hide from the press when a meeting with a disgraced Councilman lands her in the middle of a sex scandal. Meanwhile, Ron offers to cover for Leslie for the day, and quickly discovers how much work she really does.

Tom's Divorce

After Leslie finds out that Tom is getting a divorce, the department takes him out on the town to cheer him up. Meanwhile, Andy tries to hustle Mark in a game of pool.

Hunting Trip

Leslie tries to prove she can hang with the guys so she invites herself on Ron’s annual hunting trip, but things don’t go as planned. Meanwhile, April and Andy bond in the office while everyone is away.

The Camel

After one of the murals ("The Spirit of Pawnee") in City Hall is defaced, Leslie and the Parks Department compete to come up with a new design. Meanwhile, Andy and Ron share an uncomfortable moment at the shoeshine stand.

Ron and Tammy

Leslie is upset when she learns the library department wants to take over her lot. Making matters worse, the library is run by Ron's ex-wife Tammy, who still has a powerful emotional hold on him. Meanwhile, Andy gets a job in hopes of winning Ann back.

Greg Pikitis

Leslie enlists the help of Dave and Andy in order to catch a local teen vandal. Meanwhile, Ann struggles to make her Halloween party fun, and ends up getting help from an unlikely source.


Leslie, Ann and the rest of the Parks Department volunteer to help the organization KaBOOM! build a playground for a neighboring town. After building an entire playground in one day, Leslie gets frustrated at the lack of progress with the pit, and takes some advice from Mark to cut through the red tape.