Jerry's Retirement

When Leslie finds out Jerry is retiring, she struggles with the proper way to commemorate the occasion. Chris and Ann prepare to have a baby together. Tom worries he will become the office punching bag once Jerry leaves.

Article Two

Leslie works to get rid of outdated laws from the original town charter. April and Ron receive management training from Chris. Ben finds himself in a bidding war against Ann to win a present for Leslie.

Animal Control

Leslie decides to give the Animal Control Department a much-needed makeover. Ann tries to get Ron the medical attention he needs. Ben, Tom, and Andy recruit donors for their charity foundation.


Leslie accompanies Ben on a trip to his hometown which has offered him a key to the city. Ron deals with a lawsuit filed against him by Councilman Jamm. Ann and Chris take a parenting compatibility quiz.


Leslie is determined to help a local video store stay in business, while Chris offers Tom advice on how to deal with a difficult employee. Elsewhere, Ann resorts to blackmail to get April to be her friend.

Correspondents' Lunch

Leslie's speech she prepared for a special event is stolen. Ben begins his new job at the Sweetums Charity Foundation. Ann summons the courage to ask an important question.

Emergency Response

Leslie and Ben organize a black tie gala to raise money for their park, but their plans are derailed when a city-wide emergency response drill is called. Meanwhile, Andy prepares to take his Police Academy Exam and Ron fills in for Leslie on Pawnee Today.

Leslie and Ben

Leslie and Ben are getting married, and have to cram months of planning into two hours. Meanwhile, Ron's temper gets him in trouble.

Ann's Decision

Ann tries to get to know herself as Leslie meddles in one of her biggest life decisions. Meanwhile, things go south when Ben enlists the guys to help choose a caterer for the wedding.

Women in Garbage

Leslie is at a loss for words after the speech she prepared for a special event is stolen. Meanwhile, Ben begins his new job at the Sweetums Charity Foundation, and Ann summons the courage to ask an important question.