End of the World

A local Pawnee group predicts the end of days, causing chaos in the Parks department.

Meet 'n' Greet

Andy and April host a Halloween bash at their house. Tom emcees an event for Leslie's campaign. Andy and April receive an unusual wedding present from Ron and Ann.

Meet 'n' Greet

Andy and April host a Halloween bash at their house. Tom emcees an event for Leslie's campaign. Andy and April receive an unusual wedding present from Ron and Ann.

Pawnee Rangers

Ron takes his boys-only troop of Pawnee Rangers into the wild. Not wanting the girls to feel left out, Leslie also takes her troop of Pawnee Goddesses on an adventure weekend. Meanwhile, a reluctant Ben joins Tom and Donna for a day of relaxation, and Chris spends some time with Jerry.

Win, Lose, or Draw

It's election day in Pawnee, and Leslie and Bobby Newport are separated by a razor-thin margin. While everyone waits with Leslie for the race to be called, they ponder their futures, and their new opportunities.

Bus Tour

An important person in Pawnee dies while Leslie is on a bus tour for the final day of her campaign. Meanwhile Andy investigates a security threat, and Chris finds a cure for his depression.

The Debate

Leslie goes toe-to-toe with Bobby Newport in a debate. Ann, Tom, and Chris work in the media spin room, while Ron goes the extra mile to save a party for Leslie's donors.

Live Ammo

Leslie discovers that the Parks Department budget is about to be cut, and she later meets the City Council member she is running to replace. Chris and Ron visit a meditation center.


Leslie and Ben are thrilled when Buddy Wood wants to interview Leslie for his Indianapolis talkshow. April and Ron prep Andy for his final exam in his Women’s Studies course.

Campaign Shake-Up

Leslie and Ben are caught off guard when her opponent Bobby Newport hires a powerful campaign manager from Washington. Chris forces Ron to start interviewing replacements for Leslie when work starts falling through the cracks, and an unlikely officemate solves a challenging problem.