Galentine's Day

When Leslie hears her mom’s story about an old flame, she and her boyfriend Justin track him down and reunite them on Valentine’s Day. Meanwhile, Andy and his band are nervous about playing a gig at the Senior Center.


The Parks Department forms a partnership with a local company to sell energy bars at the parks in Pawnee, but Leslie tries to stop the deal when she discovers how unhealthy the snacks are. Mark reluctantly agrees to help Tom move out of his house.

Leslie's House

After an amazing date with Justin in Indianapolis, Leslie tries to impress him with a dinner party at her house.

Freddy Spaghetti

When Ben prevents Leslie from holding a children’s concert, she takes matters into her own hands. Mark makes some big decisions about his life, and Andy gets some unexpected romantic attention.

Rock Show

Leslie attends what she believes is a business meeting with an elderly local government bigwig, unaware that her mother has secretly set her up on a blind date. Andy plays his first gig since breaking both of his legs in the pit.

The Banquet

During a banquet honoring her mother's public service, Leslie tries to convince a local zoning official to support her proposed park project. Meanwhile, Mark and Tom try to meet some ladies.

Boys' Club

Leslie attempts to break into the political "old boy's club," causing an ethical dilemma. Meanwhile, Andy plans a surprise for Ann.

The Reporter

Leslie arranges for a reporter to do a story about her park project, but she and her committee have the worst time staying on topic. She then calls Mark to help her save the story, but it ends up hurting more than helping. Meanwhile, Tom does all he can to suck up to his boss.


Leslie decides that she and her committee need to go door-to-door to gain support for the park project as well as support for an upcoming town hall meeting, but their mission does not go as planned. Meanwhile, Tom wanders away from the canvassing group and uses his own creative recruitment tactics.


Indiana government worker Leslie Knope is given the assignment to convert an abandoned quarry pit into a community park. A documentary film crew follows Leslie through her mishaps and gaffes as she tries to make her assignment a reality.