Campaign Ad

Faced with a tough new opponent, Leslie and Ben disagree on the content of her first campaign ad. Ron is very uncomfortable when Chris tries to befriend him, while Andy and April make a trip to the doctor.

The Comeback Kid

Leslie enlists everyone's help in staging an attention-getting event. Ben takes up a new hobby, while April and Andy adopt a pet.

Citizen Knope

Unable to get work done from inside the Parks Department, Leslie forms a citizen action group and fights from the outside. Meanwhile, everyone in the office brainstorms ideas for what to get Leslie for Christmas.

The Trial of Leslie Knope

Leslie has to face an ethics committee about her secret relationship with Ben after they come clean to Chris.

The Trial of Leslie Knope

Leslie has to face an ethics committee about her secret relationship with Ben after they come clean to Chris.

Smallest Park

Leslie uses her new tourist attraction as a way to spend more time with Ben. Meanwhile, Ron and April encourage Andy to go to college, and Chris tasks Tom and Jerry with revamping the Parks and Rec logo.

The Treaty

Leslie enlists the help of Ben, Andy and April to host a Model U.N. for Pawnee Central High School. Chris asks Ann for her advice on love when a date cancels on him. Meanwhile, Ron struggles to find a replacement for Tom.

End of the World

A local Pawnee group predicts the end of days, causing chaos in the Parks department.

Meet 'n' Greet

Andy and April host a Halloween bash at their house. Tom emcees an event for Leslie's campaign. Andy and April receive an unusual wedding present from Ron and Ann.

Pawnee Rangers

Ron takes his boys-only troop of Pawnee Rangers into the wild. Not wanting the girls to feel left out, Leslie also takes her troop of Pawnee Goddesses on an adventure weekend. Meanwhile, a reluctant Ben joins Tom and Donna for a day of relaxation, and Chris spends some time with Jerry.