The Letter

Kramer sits for Jerry's artist girlfriend, but Jerry won't stand for her temperament, until she declares her feelings.

The Good Samaritan

Jerry witnesses an accident–and is attracted to the victim and the perpetrator.

The Limo

Jerry and George take a limo meant for another, whose agenda includes more than just getting in from the airport.

The Boyfriend (2)

Jerry and Elaine compete for the attention of baseball's Keith Hernandez, while Kramer and Newman investigate a spitting incident involving Hernandez.

The Boyfriend (1)

Jerry becomes friends with baseball's Keith Hernandez, who has a history with Kramer and would like a future with Elaine.

The Fix-Up

Jerry and Elaine fix up George with Elaine's friend–then wait nervously.

The Suicide

A psychic warns George to cancel his vacation; Jerry is hit on by his neighbor's girl after the neighbor's suicide attempt; Elaine fasts.

The Pez Dispenser

Kramer's advice gives George "the upper hand" in his relationship with a pianist, whose recital is ruined by Elaine's outburst of laughter.

The Subway

A beauty picks up George; Jerry makes friends with a naked guy; Kramer is tipped off about a hot horse; Elaine gets stuck en route to a lesbian wedding.

The Red Dot

An imperfection mars George's gift to Elaine; Jerry inadvertently helps an alcoholic go off the wagon.