The Hot Troll Deviation

An embarrassing secret of Wolowitz's comes to light, while Sheldon and Raj have a small war at work.

The Agreement Dissection

When Leonard spends too much time in the shower with Priya, Sheldon charges Leonard with two violations of the roommate agreement. However, before he can get too far, Priya uses her skills as a lawyer to nullify the charges due to the agreement's vague wording, much to Sheldon's dismay. When the guys take advantage of Priya's skills in order to eat Greek food on pizza night, Sheldon goes to Penny, who invites him to a girls' night out with Amy and Bernadette, which Sheldon agrees to after Penny mentions that they may be talking trash about Priya. After the girls drink some cocktails, they decide to take Sheldon dancing, which Sheldon reluctantly goes along with. After dancing, Sheldon takes an intoxicated Amy back to her apartment and as well as talking about Priya, meets a monkey who is addicted to smoking cigarettes. Amy tells Sheldon not to give in to Priya's law skills, before kissing him and going to her bathroom to vomit.

The Herb Garden Germination

Sheldon and Amy decide to start several rumors about the others as a test. Meanwhile, Howard takes his relationship with Bernadette to even higher level.

The Zarnecki Incursion

Sheldon's online-game account is hacked by Todd Zarnecki, who then proceeds to steal all his items prompting the guys to go on a quest to retrieve them. Penny, Bernadette and Amy discuss how Penny groomed Leonard to be willing to try various things and more adventurous boyfriend… for some other woman — Priya.

The Prestidigitation Approximation

Sheldon is baffled by Wolowitz's magic trick. Meanwhile, Leonard realizes dating Priya may make it impossible to continue being friends with Penny.

The Toast Derivation

Sheldon becomes concerned when everybody begins to hang out at Raj's apartment and discovers Leonard is the center of the group.

The Cohabitation Formulation

As Wolowitz contemplates taking things with Bernadette to the next level, Leonard rekindles his relationship with Raj's sister.

The Benefactor Factor

A wealthy donor to the university makes Leonard consider how far he's willing to go for the sake of science.