Change is Gonna Come

Gary and the crew race to find a cure for Quinn's Final Space poisoning, while Ash confronts Invictus. Meanwhile, Tribore and Quatronostro find out about a prophecy and journey to the great oracle Tim Belts.

All the Moments Lost

Final Space is such a hole. I mean like its the biggest hole in the universe. Like weight of a thousand suns kind of hole. What I'm getting at is we are being sucked into a black hole and we're all definitely about to die.

One of Us

Gary hatches another hair-brained plan to rescue his crew.

The Ventrexian

The Lord Commander tries to pry information about Mooncake's whereabouts out of Avocato. Quinn keeps her sickness a secret from Gary.

Barbarians at the Gate

Salvor faces off with an enemy of the Empire. Brothers Day and Dusk are at odds, while Brother Dawn wrestles with his truth.

Inverting the Pyramid of Success

Richmond gets their final chance to win promotion as Ted deals with the fallout of Trent Crimm’s painfully honest exposé. Season finale.

Our Children, Ourselves

Phil and Claire pressure Alex to ease back on her school work, but begin to worry about their own intellectual drives. Meanwhile, Jay is upset when Gloria tries to befriend a new couple, and Mitchell runs into an old female flame.

Slow Down Your Neighbors

Claire becomes a determined neighborhood vigilante hoping to catch and stop a menacing car that speeds though their streets. Meanwhile, Phil is busy trying to land an important listing with a difficult client, Jay teaches Manny how to ride a bike — only to learn Gloria needs lessons too — and Mitchell and Cameron stumble upon a mysterious neighbor who is quite the charmer.

Slow Down Your Neighbors

Claire becomes a determined neighborhood vigilante hoping to catch and stop a menacing car that speeds though their streets. Meanwhile, Phil is busy trying to land an important listing with a difficult client, Jay teaches Manny how to ride a bike — only to learn Gloria needs lessons too — and Mitchell and Cameron stumble upon a mysterious neighbor who is quite the charmer.

Dance Dance Revelation

At Luke and Manny's first school dance, Jay and Phil take them to the mall which turns disastrous, Claire's happiness turns into jealousy when Gloria joins the school dance committee. Meanwhile, Cameron and Mitchell learn about Lily biting other kids at the playground.