The Sting

When a competing sales associate steals a Dunder Mifflin client, Michael, Jim and Dwight decide to set up a sting to find out his sales secrets. Andy decides to start a band after finding out a friend from college has a successful music career.

Sex Ed

Michael, believing he has herpes, contacts all his ex-girlfriends, including Jan and Holly. Andy tries to play on Erin’s compassionate side by holding a sex education meeting for the office.

Andy's Play

Andy invites the entire office to his community theater production of Sweeney Todd in hopes that Erin will attend. Michael tries to put his jealousy aside and enjoy the performance while Jim and Pam struggle with their incompetent babysitter.


Corporate assigns Michael to counseling with Toby. Dwight vows revenge on the Steamtown Mall after a shop owner snubs him. Meanwhile, Pam conspires to change her job title.


Michael refuses to fire the new office assistant after everyone complains about his bad attitude. Andy plays it cool after Erin shows interest in another man. Meanwhile, Pam tries to impress Jim by pulling an office prank of her own.


The press finds out that Sabre’s printers catch on fire. Jo shows up to the office in hopes of finding out who the whistleblower is. Everyone suspects Andy, who adamantly denies he leaked the information.

The Chump

Michael is surprisingly cheerful after learning some bad news about Donna. The new parents, Pam and Jim, have trouble staying awake in the office. Meanwhile, Angela takes matters into her own hands when Dwight refuses to honor their contract.

The Cover-Up

Michael suspects Donna is cheating on him and puts P.I. Dwight Schrute on the case. Meanwhile, Andy is frustrated when no one takes his customer's complaint seriously.

Body Language

Pam and Jim work on their first sales pitch together to Donna, the manager of a local restaurant. But Michael keeps misreading the signals she's putting out. Meanwhile, Dwight encourages Kelly to try out for the minority training program.

Secretary's Day

Andy pulls out all the stops to give Erin a memorable Secretary's Day. Michael reluctantly takes Erin out to lunch and lets slip about Andy's relationship with Angela. Meanwhile, Oscar circulates a video he created that compares Kevin's voice to Sesame Street's Cookie Monster.