
Loki traverses dying timelines in an attempt to find his friends, but Reality is not what it seems.

Heart of the TVA

The TVA's Loom nears catastrophic failure but Loki, Mobius and Sylvie have a He Who Remains variant.


Loki & Mobius go on the hunt to find everyone’s favorite cartoon clock as they try to save the TVA.

The Beacon

Looking back on their time as teenagers, Zero and the Armadillo try to untangle why Cesare became the way he is now and attempt to reason with him.

Like a Beached Whale

Zero remembers first meeting Cesare at an arcade in the 80s. Later, he dines at Cesare's house at his mother's invitation and tears down more posters.

What Belongs to Caesar

At the police station, Zero mulls over threatening posters in his neighborhood, stresses over an upcoming TV interview and runs into an old friend.