Girl Fight

Schmidt quickly regrets trying to understand the politics of a girl fight when one breaks out between Jess and Cece. Meanwhile, Nick goes on a date with Tran's granddaughter, whom Winston believes is hiding a secret.

Thanksgiving IV

With winter coming and everyone still single, Schmidt initiates a "Bangs-giving"-themed Thanksgiving dinner party, to which everyone must bring someone compatible for someone else.


Jess, Coach and Ryan attend a teachers' conference, led by education guru Brenda Brown. Back at the loft, Nick, Schmidt and Winston try to have a wild weekend while Jess is out of town.


Nick pretends to be gay to make his status as Jess' "ex" less of an issue to her new beau. To Coach's annoyance, Winston works his "Long Game" on their attractive neighbors, Michelle and Viv. Meanwhile, Schmidt panics when Cece considers having a breast reduction

Background Check

As part of Winston's police academy training, the loft must pass a home visit and background check, which shouldn't be a problem until Jess admits she might be hiding illegal substances in her closet.


When Coach's liaison with the school nurse gets messy, vice principal Jess must enforce a new, "no fraternization" policy among the teachers. But the tables soon get turned when she finds herself attracted to the hot new science teacher. Meanwhile, Nick is enjoying being Schmidt and Winston's secretary, after the loft gets a new home phone


To prove that girls aren't shallow, Jess goes out on a date with a guy whose shortcomings fall way below the belt. Meanwhile, Winston and Cece pit Schmidt and Coach against each other, while convincing them they could be male models.


Coach visits the apartment to spend a "guys night out" with the guys, after breaking up with his girlfriend. Nick going to a strip club with the guys, and telling her that they haven't had a conversation about whether or not they're boyfriend/girlfriend or are exclusive, upsets Jess to the point that she has "girls night out" with Cece at the bar.


Schmidt receives a series of recent e-mails from his favorite actor Michael Keaton, who has sent letters to Nick ever since he was a kid. However, it turns out those letters and e-mails were not from the actor but from Schmidt's mother and Nick, posing as Keaton. Cece indulges in nightly parties to get over her break up with Schmidt.

The Box

Nick becomes irresponsible with the money from his late father's estate, so Jess uses some of the money to pay Nick's unpaid bills, behind his back. With Nick's improved financial situation, Winston feels its finally time to ask Nick for the money he owes him.